Trekking to the “Roof of Indochina”: Mt. Fansipan

At 3,143 metres (10,312 ft), Fansipan peak is the highest point in Indochina.   That means Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. I don’t know why, but figured this would be an easy hike for me to get my climbing muscles back in shape for an upcoming hike in Taiwan.    Well, now I’m worried because this hikeContinue reading “Trekking to the “Roof of Indochina”: Mt. Fansipan”

Rate Your Hiking Ability

Ok, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and finally got it finished. I invited a few of my more experienced hiking friends to help out and we made some changes to this final rendition. This quiz if for experienced hikers.  I say that because if you don’t have more than a few hundredContinue reading “Rate Your Hiking Ability”